Yes, my iPhone is an extension of my right arm. It is heavily used and I go through Otter Boxes like a gorilla testing Samsonite luggage. When I bought the 5c several. If you are looking for a way to track iPhone data usage, this post is all you need. Dive right in with us as we review best iPhone data usage tracker apps. Mar 28, 201210 Tips to Reduce iPhone iPad Personal Hotspot Data Usage. Wondering just how much data you're pulling down in a given month on your iPhone? There are a few ways to check your usage, one being to head to ATT's wireless. Unlimited data is a thing of the past for most smartphone users, and with the introduction of the iPhone 5 many ATT users in particular are looking for ways to save. Data Usage Monitor 2, Jailbreak Required, not to be confused with our top pick, is actually a great addition to it. It's a jailbreak tweak that displays your data. . When Apple introduced the iPhone, it also managed to get ATT and then other carriers to offer unlimited data plans in the United States and in a few other countries. Going over the data limits on your iPhone or iPad? Here's how to track usage and prevent extra fees! By Allyson Kazmucha Saturday, Apr 5, 2014 at 12:24 pm EDT.. How to Check Data Usage on an iPhone. Monthly data limits are every smartphone user's enemy. A small download at the wrong time may send your bill skyrocketing.. I was wondering if it was possible to block data usage completely when a certain data transfer limit has been reached? Does an app exist for that?.